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Agais 6M (6-Mix Grass Seed)

Agais 6M (6-Mix Grass Seed)

Agais is an ideal grass seed that can be used in golf courses, sports fields, villa gardens, parks and all kinds of green areas with its ability to remain green in summer and winter, perfectly adapting to environmental conditions.

Agais, which is especially preferred in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions, is resistant to intensive use and frequent form. It has high tolerance to adverse environmental conditions and fungal diseases. Agais, a mixture of six species, shows a fast and powerful output and covers the area where it is planted in a short time. Root development is strong and tillering feature is high.

Another feature of Grassamen Agais imported grass seed special for arid and salty soils is that it is resistant to frequent and short mowing, it is resistant to bad environmental conditions, it has a high tolerance and resistance to diseases caused by fungi and the most important feature is that it is specially produced for arid and salty soils. Since the tillering feature is very high in this grass seed with high root development, it shows rapid emergence and also covers the area where it is planted in a short time.

Agais 6M (6-Mix Grass Seed) Mixing Ratio

  • %15 Lolium perenne sp.
  • %15 Lolium perenne sp.
  • %15 Festuca rubra rubra sp.
  • %35 Festuca arundinacea sp.
  • %10 Festuca arundinacea sp.
  • %10 Festuca rubra commutata sp.
  1. Headquarters Istanbul
    Tekstilkent Koza Plaza İş Merkezi B-Blok Kat: 5 D-18 Esenler Istanbul / Turkey
    Headquarters Istanbul+90 212 438 38 68
  2. Mediterranean Regional Office
    Yenigöl Mahalesi, Hava Alanı Yolu 8.Km Antalya / Turkey
    Mediterranean Regional Office+90 242 340 00 23
  3. Antalya Factory
    Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 2.Kısım 23. Cd. No: 1 Döşemealtı / Antalya / Turkey
    Antalya Factory+90 242 258 10 46
  4. Sakarya Arifiye
    Arifbey Mahallesi Zübeyde Hanım Caddesi No:180 Arifiye / Sakarya / Turkey
    Sakarya Arifiye+90 264 229 01 21
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