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Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass)

Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass)

Having a very durable root system and being a fast growing specie provides carpet image immediately.

Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass)

The fastest specie among all grass seeds to be established.

  • Shows superior durability and performance against diseases.
  • Partly resistant to salt.
  • Fine-leaved, dark green, dense textured and rapidly developing structure offers a beautiful lawn image.
  • As showing an early output in spring should be preferred together with young and middle-ouput grasses.
  • Can grow under various soil conditions besides the one with high base water level soils.
  • Can also be used during overseeding periods in golf fairways.
  • It shows a superior performance in hot climate regions with mixing Bermuda Grass as well with other species mixtures
  • Resistance to shady places are weak.
  1. Headquarters Istanbul
    Tekstilkent Koza Plaza İş Merkezi B-Blok Kat: 5 D-18 Esenler Istanbul / Turkey
    Headquarters Istanbul+90 212 438 38 68
  2. Mediterranean Regional Office
    Yenigöl Mahalesi, Hava Alanı Yolu 8.Km Antalya / Turkey
    Mediterranean Regional Office+90 242 340 00 23
  3. Antalya Factory
    Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 2.Kısım 23. Cd. No: 1 Döşemealtı / Antalya / Turkey
    Antalya Factory+90 242 258 10 46
  4. Sakarya Arifiye
    Arifbey Mahallesi Zübeyde Hanım Caddesi No:180 Arifiye / Sakarya / Turkey
    Sakarya Arifiye+90 264 229 01 21
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