The first step in any green territory landscaping is the land survey. Thus grass seed which is to be used is determined. Especially to replant our garden, the seeds should be selected due to the climate, soil and its properties.
For a successful and vegetative plantation, soil preparation is as imported as the choice of the specie. The feeding power of the soil is depending mostly on water-climate economy and the growths of the roots in the soil. Besides the kind of the soil is also the depth of irrigation is important. In order to have a suitable soil the depth of the soil should be 15-20 cm. If the soil has not enough feeding capacity, additional vegetative soil, if the irrigation is not enough, sand and peat should be added.
The soil should be prepared, weed and stones are to be cleared. The soil should be harrowed to a plain level by raking and pressing. After a good levelling and roller in order to have a good output of the seed and homogenous dispersion it is recommended 3-4 days before sowing to apply The Andersons 9-23-14 starter fertilizer or The Andersons 18-24-12 winter starter fertilizer on the seed bed and to irrigate.
Sowing time: For a proper sowing of grass seeds the period for sowing is in Spring March 1, until June 30 and in Autumn September 1, until November 30. To achieve a prosperous solution it is recommended to spread per sqm 15-20 gram after having chosen the right specie and the mixture either from Grassamen or British Seeds. After having spread the seed the soil should be covered by peat or a peat mixture. After all these the area is to be levelled by a roller.
After sowing the field should be irrigated and certain irrigation plan should be fixed in order not to have too much water or less water bringing up the soil cracked. Irrigation should be done early in the morning or early in the evening. It is not recommended to irrigate more often but less water. The water depth on the soil can be up to 10 cm.
To have a healthy outlook and to prevent diseases and harms fertilizing is a must. For this to have long lasting effect of the plant itself a slow released fertilizer should be applied. A good fertilizing will cause the expected result with the applications of the fertilizer due to the rate and kind of itself. Fertilizing, provides more dark green, glossy leaves and live good and rapid development, mechanical damage, conferring resistance to diseases and harsh climatic conditions.
First cut should be done after a height of the grass of approx. 5-8 cm. It is recommended to cut only 2-3 centimeters in the first cut. The first cut should be done by sharp knives The height of the grass should be arranged due to the purpose of the field. After cutting the leaves are to be combed out. It is recommended to cut each time not more than the total height of the grass.
To struggle correctly with diseases and harmful it is necessary to fix them at first. ne of the most important maintenance matters is to apply pesticides. The application should be done in certain periods beginning early spring until to the end of autumn To combat pesticide blitz and weed and other diseases the right agricultural insecticides should be applied by professionals after having fixed them.