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Trifollium Repens (White clover)

Trifollium Repens (White clover)

Can be used in mixtures with red fescue (festuca rubra),kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis),perennial ryegrass (lolium perenne) and cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) to establish green areas.

Trifollium Repens (White clover)

White clover ratio in mixtures should be low. Otherwise it may dominate the area because of having fast spreading stolons. White clover needs high humidty and has low resitance to high temperatures. It will need more water in sea climate regions as in comparision to continental climate zones.

  1. Headquarters Istanbul
    Tekstilkent Koza Plaza İş Merkezi B-Blok Kat: 5 D-18 Esenler Istanbul / Turkey
    Headquarters Istanbul+90 212 438 38 68
  2. Mediterranean Regional Office
    Yenigöl Mahalesi, Hava Alanı Yolu 8.Km Antalya / Turkey
    Mediterranean Regional Office+90 242 340 00 23
  3. Antalya Factory
    Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 2.Kısım 23. Cd. No: 1 Döşemealtı / Antalya / Turkey
    Antalya Factory+90 242 258 10 46
  4. Sakarya Arifiye
    Arifbey Mahallesi Zübeyde Hanım Caddesi No:180 Arifiye / Sakarya / Turkey
    Sakarya Arifiye+90 264 229 01 21
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