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Best Leaf Fertilizer

Best Leaf Fertilizer

Total Nitrogen (N)%142015
Nitrate Nitrogen (N)%--8
Ammonium Nitrogen (N)%5,3--
Urea Nitrogen (N)%8,7207
Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentaoxide (P2O5)%42205
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O)%142038
Water Soluble Boron (B)%-0,01-
Water Soluble Copper (Cu)%0,0060,0040,006
Water Soluble Iron (Fe)%0,030,10,03
Water Soluble Sulfur Trioxide (SO3)%-6-
Water Soluble Mangan (Mn) %0,050,050,05
Water Soluble Molybdenum (Mo)%-0,002-
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)%0,020,020,02
  • It is used to eliminate the nutrient deficiencies seen in vineyard, garden, field and greenhouse products.
  • It is sprayed on the leaves of the plants with the atomizer, sprayer and backpack pumps.
  • 20-20-20: It is very suitable for foliar fertilization. Chlorine ratio is low in Bestleaf.

Iron - Copper - Manganese - Zinc all chelated with EDTA. The pH range in which gelatin is stable is 3-6.

Best Leaf Fertilizer Use / Development Period

  • Field Crops (onion, tomato, pepper, paddy, corn, wheat etc.) 200 gr / 100 lt water (only from the leaves),
  • Greenhouse Products 200 gr / 100 lt water (from leaves and soil),
  • Fruit Trees 300 gr / 100 lt water (from leaves and soil),
  • Hazelnut and Citrus 125 gr / 100 lt water (from leaves and soil),
  • Olive 300 gr / 100 lt water (from leaves and soil).
  1. Headquarters Istanbul
    Tekstilkent Koza Plaza İş Merkezi B-Blok Kat: 5 D-18 Esenler Istanbul / Turkey
    Headquarters Istanbul+90 212 438 38 68
  2. Mediterranean Regional Office
    Yenigöl Mahalesi, Hava Alanı Yolu 8.Km Antalya / Turkey
    Mediterranean Regional Office+90 242 340 00 23
  3. Antalya Factory
    Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 2.Kısım 23. Cd. No: 1 Döşemealtı / Antalya / Turkey
    Antalya Factory+90 242 258 10 46
  4. Sakarya Arifiye
    Arifbey Mahallesi Zübeyde Hanım Caddesi No:180 Arifiye / Sakarya / Turkey
    Sakarya Arifiye+90 264 229 01 21
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