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Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Seed sowing time?

Depending on the region, for Mediterranean and Aegean region winter grass seeds (lolium perenne, festuca arundinacea etc.) sowing times are September-October, for summer seeds (cynodon dactylon) sowing time are March-April months. For the other regions the sowing time is during spring depending on weather conditions in March-April, during autumn is after having past the August heat until the end of October. Soil temperatures should be around for winter grass seeds 20-25 C for summer grass seeds around 30 C.

In which period which fertilizer?

Soil fertilizer plant retrieval time varies according to the temperature. When the soil temperature is below 15 degrees plant nitrogen uptake is decreased so more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be preferred. For example, during the winter period NPK fertilizers nitrogen (N) ratio low phosphorus (P 20 5) and potassium (K 20) high fertilizers, during spring period balanced once, in summer period high nitrogen fertilizers should be preferred.

How should we prepare the soil?

In soil preparation should the hard layer on the ground softened by raking and with collecting stones a flat surface should be created. If your soil hoeing weeds firstly weed herbicides should be applied and if you do raking after having dried herbs then you'll get better results.

Which fertilizer should we use during soil preparation?

To have a strong rooting a high-phosphorous (p2O5) fertilizer should be applied after raking the soil, collecting stones and flat surface.

Which fertilizer should we use in order to pass the transition period fast?

If you use balanced NPK and micro element containing fertilizer you grass will pass the transition period without problems.

How should we irrigate our grass?

Irrigation in summer periods should be done in the morning and evening. If you are in a region where northeaster wind is too much also at noon an irrigation, called short irrigation devices, is recommended because the wind enables too much water loss and so your plant will have the sufficient moisture. In winter periods only in the morning irrigation should be done.

What should be the frequency and height of the grass?

The frequency is depending on the used fertilizer. As nitrogen content fertilizers provide fast growth of the grass 2 times a week cutting should be done. The height of the grass should not exceed 3cm. If the height is high fungus diseases might be seen.

Which kind of soil should we use?

Permeable soils with low water holding capacity should be preferred. The most suitable soils are soils, which will not tighten once the grass roots. For example, zero sand is the most suitable one.

How many cm soil tillage before planting should be done?

If tillage is done before sowing at least 15 cm in depth, the grass roots will move more comfortable and a more healthy lawn grass formation will be done.

How much grass seeds should we us per m2?

We recommend minimum 50 g/m2 grass seed mixture.

Which is the grass seed with less water need and resistant to wear? What are the grass seed mixture ratios?

These grass seeds varies according to the region. For the Mediterranean regions bermuda grass (cynodon dactylon) grass seed is resistant to wear and lack of water. In the other regions are the festuca species with less water requirement and are also resistant to wear. Depending on the regions Mediterranean mixtures with 40% bermuda grass, 30% lolium perenne, 30% festuca arundinacea. For the other regions are 90%or 70% festuca arundinacea spp., 10%or 20 % lolium perenne spp., 5%-10 poa pratensis are foreseen.

Which fertilizer should be used while grass seed sowing?

Immediately after seeding and the cover soil made, high phosphorous content fertilizers should be applied.

In saline and dry soils near the sea, which grass seed would you recommend?

Would suggest Bermuda grass ( cynodon dactylon) grass seed.

Why should we use slow released fertilizers in lawns?

All of today primarily conventional fertilizers pollute the underground water and soil salinity increases by disrupting the soil structure. Conventional fertilizers can be in the soil up to 3 weeks. 1/3 of these goes in the air, 1/3 by irrigation to the ground and 1/3 absorbed by the plant for grow up so that your lawn requires constantly moving (2 times week). As conventional fertilizers also have too much risk of burning irrigation should be done immediately after spread. As the ratio of NPK fertilizers the plant intakes is due to how much the irrigation you do with slow-release fertilizers. So your lawn will grow balanced and if you cut every 2 week your cutting frequency will fall to half. It does not create water contamination in the subsurface and as slow released fertilizers are sulfur-coated the soil pH is stabilized. The most important is that to care your lawns is to fertilize every 16 week and that there is no risk of burning and your irrigation system will not be changed. You may irrigate further as you are doing every day.

Is the use of animal manure in the grass area correct?

No, animal manure will cause much more weed. Normally if you even should get rid of weeds it will lokk like that you never applied weed herbicides. Additional you may invite fungus diseases.. Inside animal manure there are not any useful macro (NPK) or micro elements (Fe, Zn, Cu etc). It will just keep warm and germinates your grass. We therefore recommend to use sterile peat, free from weeds, instead.

What is the difference between compound fertilizers and slow released fertilizers?

Remaining time in the soil; 3 weeks in compound fertilizers 16 weeks in slow released fertilizers
Cutting frequency: 2 times a week with compound fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks with slow released once.
Impact on soil structure: Compound fertilizers barren soil conditions barren in over time, with slow release fertilizers, pH rate will be balanced because of being coated.

Especially for coniferous plants which trace element supplement should we do?

Initially by using copper-containing fertilizer providing the interior drying, Afterwards a fertilization with a fertilizer containing micro elements like iron, manganese, and zinc for providing new shoots formation should be done. Here should one application should be foliar the other one 1 week later by drip. Minimum 3 applications should be done.

When should we do the dismantling and relocation of ornamental plants? What should we do for relieving stress and adaptation strengthening?

The dismantling and relocation should be done in spring before high temperatures and in autumn before frost. Fertilizers with amino acid and high-content phosphorous (P2O5) should be used.

What kind of fertilizer should I prefer for evergreen plants?

In your evergreen plants, fertilizers should contain high ratio nitrogen (N),phosphorous (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) and additional micro elements. Especially how much your iron content is high so the green parts will get vibrant and dark green color.

Which fertilizer should be my choice for my flowering plants?

Fertilizers with less nitrogen (N) and high content phosphorous (P25) and potassium (K2O) should be preferred. Phosphorous (P2O5) will increase the ratio of flowers and potassium (K2O) will increase the size and durability of your flowers.

How should I use the fertilizers on my seedlings?

Granulized and powder fertilizers should be spread without touching the body around the line. Liquid fertilizers should be sprayed on the leaves.

What do you want me to do for a plenty blooming of flowers on the trees in my garden?

You should prefer high phosphorous (P2O5) or zinc containing fertilizer.

I have cherry orchards and what should I do to get larger and red berries?

You should prefer potassium (K2O) fertilizers in fruit trees if you want to increase the quality and size of the fruits.

What is the importance of soil aeration and the time for it?

Soil aeration is done to relieve the plant's roots. Soil stiffness is set to break for the air-water balance. For soil aeration spring or autumn should be preferred.

What is the difference of grass species to be used in gardens, sports fields and villa gardens?

The species to be used on sport fields should have wear tolerance, be more resistant to diseases, suitable for fast germination and multiplying and must be slow in growth. For villa gardens the same species can be used upon request.

  1. Headquarters Istanbul
    Tekstilkent Koza Plaza İş Merkezi B-Blok Kat: 5 D-18 Esenler Istanbul / Turkey
    Headquarters Istanbul+90 212 438 38 68
  2. Mediterranean Regional Office
    Yenigöl Mahalesi, Hava Alanı Yolu 8.Km Antalya / Turkey
    Mediterranean Regional Office+90 242 340 00 23
  3. Antalya Factory
    Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 2.Kısım 23. Cd. No: 1 Döşemealtı / Antalya / Turkey
    Antalya Factory+90 242 258 10 46
  4. Sakarya Arifiye
    Arifbey Mahallesi Zübeyde Hanım Caddesi No:180 Arifiye / Sakarya / Turkey
    Sakarya Arifiye+90 264 229 01 21
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